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Results for "Sam Bennett"
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Samantha Bennett is an Instructional Coach and Education Consultant. As an expert in curriculum design and day-to-day instruction, she works closely with districts around the country to help Principals, Coaches, and Teachers grow their Professional Capital. 

She is the author or co-author of several Heinemann resources... more

Jeff Bennett has spent his professional life teaching theatre, English, vocal music, and public speaking. In addition to staging more than fifty high school shows, he has directed plays at Queens College, Port Jefferson's Theatre Three, and New York's Café La Mama.

Bennett Daviss is an award-winning journalist, co-author of two previous books on educational innovation, and writer of more than 400 articles on education, science, technology, and business.

Secondary Stages
Revitalizing High School Theatre
Grade: 6th-12th
Pub Date: 9/26/2001

Secondary Stages combines in one volume everything a high school teacher needs to organize and implement a sucessful, dynamic theatre program. Bennett's approach is based on a simple premise: that exposure to theatre can be an utterly transforming experience for students—one that enables them to reach unimagined levels of personal, emotional, and intellectual growth.... more
That Workshop Book
New Systems and Structures for Classrooms That Read, Write, and Think
Grade: K-8th
Pub Date: 9/11/2007

For teachers who feel alone with the challenges they face, this is the book for you. For instructional coaches who are stuck and unsure where to lead, this book will show the way. It will help you work through the tricky parts, negotiate the roadblocks and think through to the future.
... more
Other Formats Available
eBook + Print Bundle
The New Science Literacy
Using Language Skills to Help Students Learn Science
Grade: 4th-10th
Pub Date: 3/11/2002

Whether you're a teacher new to science or a veteran teacher of science, here's a powerful new tool for teaching the subject through language literacy. This book explains how—how instructional synergy and power result from combining the two subjects. And it shows how—how teachers can use practical classroom techniques for combining these subjects at different... more

Comprehension Going Forward
Where We Are and What's Next
Grade: K-12th
Pub Date: 1/25/2011

"The real genius of this book is that it is written by teachers, for teachers. All of the authors in this book know what classrooms are like. This means that authenticity and integrity pervade every chapter in the book. Teachers will immediately sense this authenticity on their way to realizing that the book offers an endless supply of useful suggestions."
—From... more

Other Formats Available
eBook + Print Bundle
Ask Questions, Plan for Instruction.

Listen in on a planning session between Debbie Miller and Samantha Bennett as they work through connecting their questions, classroom observations, and instructional goals to design a lesson for the next day and week ahead.... more
Feedback That Feeds

There are so many instructional opportunities when conferring with students: we can nudge readers and writers to clarify thinking, address a need through teaching points, model for students what it looks like to use literacy to make sense of the world — and much more.In their On-Demand Course, Adolescent Reading RX: What to Try When Teen Readers Can't or Won't, Cris Tovani... more
Small Changes, Big Differences: Plan Backwards for Student Engagement

But, it’s “messy,” as Bennett says.Planning Backwards: A Resource List Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (ASCD) The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise, Ericsson, Charness, Feltovich, and Hoffman (Cambridge University Press 2006) Common Core Unit by Unit, Cheryl Dobbertin (Heinemann 2013) That Workshop Book, Sam Bennett (Heinemann 2007)... more
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