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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 Now Available! Request a quote here!
Image of Gina  Cervetti

Gina Cervetti

Gina Cervetti is coauthor of No More Science Kits or Texts in Isolation and a co-author of Comprehension Going Forward.

An assistant professor of Curriculum and Instruction at University of Colorado Boulder, she teaches graduate-level courses on reading instruction and assessment. The focus of Gina’s work over the last decade has been on students’ development of academic literacies with a particular focus on reading comprehension—and, more recently, talk— in science. In particular, she has been exploring the question, How can literacy instruction be made more authentic, powerful, knowledge-enriching, and personally meaningful through integration with content-area instruction? Gina completed studies of integrated science-literacy instruction as a context for language development and science learning for English language learners and of how middle school students learned to engage in sense-making science conversations in a summer science and reading program. Before joining the faculty at CU Boulder, Gina was a curriculum developer and researcher for the Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading program at the University of California, Berkeley.

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