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Marjorie Larner

Marjorie Larner is coauthor of Comprehension Going Forward and author of Pathways.

While continuing to work with educators across the country in literacy and developing collaborative learning communities, Majorie has worked regularly over time locally at a 6–12 school, the Denver Center for International Studies, through the Asia Society’s International Studies School Network. She also serves as Adjunct Faculty and Site Professor for University of Colorado Denver Urban Teacher Education Program.

A former teacher, administrator, and staff developer with the Denver-based Public Education and Business Coallition, Marjorie’s thinking and writing about how to support professional learning continues to evolve, particularly as we navigate the increasing challenges of the current educational culture. As a consultant, she enjoys being embedded in a school’s culture where she can offer challenge and support in conversations and observations that happen naturally in the course of a regular school day.

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