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A Teacher’s Guide to Mentor Texts, 6-12 (eBook)

The Classroom Essentials Series

A foundational guide to using mentor texts in secondary writing classrooms.


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List Price: $32.21

Web/School Price: $22.55


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The Classroom Essentials Series

Full Description

Using mentor texts from a range of high-interest sources and diverse authors can be a real game changer in secondary writing classrooms.  Students learn to read like writers, deepening their understanding of quality writing and inspiring them in their own drafting and revision. In this foundational guide, you’ll learn the what, why, and how of teaching with mentor texts in small ways as well as large—and discover the power of mentor texts to serve as “writing teachers” alongside you. Allison and Rebekah provide a multitude of annotated examples from professional writers, alongside student samples, to illustrate how mentor texts can teach specific writing skills. Online resources, planning tools, and videos for both teachers and students make A Teacher’s Guide to Mentor Texts an instant companion to your lesson plan book.

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