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Teaching Writing in Title I (eBook)

By Nancy Akhavan

Using carefully crafted planning tools, lessons, and graphic organizers, Nancy shows you how to make writing workshop fit seamlessly into your day.  She includes effective intervention activities for struggling writers, as well as tips for working with English learners.


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Full Description

You know the challenges. In your Title I school you have students who are already at risk. Imagine what could happen if you could catch them up, forestall learning issues before they are entrenched, put them on equal footing with their peers. Nancy Akhavan has done it—in school after school. In Teaching Writing in a Title I School she shows you how to craft a rich literacy world where all your students thrive.

The first step you can take is to teach them to write. Really. Teaching children to write well is the key to helping them express themselves. It’s also a scaffold to guide their thinking and understanding. It just might solve your teaching problems. You can ensure that all children learn, and you can close the achievement gap.”

Nancy’s guidance is as practical as it is effective. Her carefully crafted planning tools, lessons, and graphic organizers make writing workshop fit seamlessly into your day. Her classroom workshop routines promote student engagement and provide focus. You’ll learn how to organize units of study using the lessons from your existing writing program. State standards and meaningful assessment suddenly become manageable. You’ll also find effective intervention activities for students who struggle and tips for teaching English learners to write.

This book is a must-have resource for teaching to engage all your students, ensure learning, and effectively intervene when students need it. With its companion, Teaching Reading in a Title I School, individual teachers, teachers studying together in professional learning communities, and preservice teachers will find the tools they need to build literacy instruction that guides all their students to high achievement.

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