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Small-Group Writing Conferences, K-5 (eBook)

Work with more writers each day! Holly tells you when and how to use small-groups with tips for planning, record keeping, and trouble shooting. She describes four kinds of writing conferences that help you assess, compliment, and coach efficiently.


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Full Description

How can you work with twice as many students each day? And give struggling writers more attention? All without diminishing the quality of your teaching? By making the most of conferring with Small-Group Writing Conferences.
Small-Group Writing Conferences shows why small groups work. And how they can boost your instructional effectiveness.
  • You’ll compliment and coach more students through the writing process each day.
  • You’ll focus on explicitly teaching writing strategies, scaffolding learning across everything students write.
  • You’ll gather more assessment information than ever—a big help for differentiation
  • Your teaching will stick better as students practice and discuss strategies together, then link them to prior learning.
Holly Slaughter tells you when and how to use small-groups and gives you tips for planning, record keeping, and trouble shooting. She describes four kinds of writing conferences that allow you to plan instruction or confer whenever and however you need to:
  • Table Conferences—Conferring with heterogeneous groups to address some students’ needs and reinforce strategies for others
  • Skill Conferences—Grouping students with similar needs for explicit instruction or guided practice
  • Expectation Conferences—Using groups to teach students to manage materials and self-monitor
  • Progress Conferences—Seeing how a group has fared with a strategy and promoting accountability for learning.
Every moment you spend conferring is precious. Read Small Group Writing Conferences and discover how small groups can help you make each second twice as valuable.

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