Young Learners and the Reading Workshop
Reading workshop experts and scholars have addressed multiple ways to create a
student-centered framework for teaching and learning (Calkins 2010; Moses 2015;
Serafini 2001; Serravallo 2010; Taberski 2000). Although they all have slightly different
takes on the implementation, schedules, and logistics, there is a general consensus
about essential components and learning opportunities. They all agree that on most
days children should engage in a brief, teacher-guided lesson (also referred to as a
minilesson), independent reading (and/or responding) with choice, small-group
opportunities, conferring, and sharing.
We utilize a workshop approach to our instruction, but have adapted it to foster
meaningful independence among young readers. We begin by observing young
readers to identify additional scaffolds that will deepen their independent learning experiences. The goal is not for students to demonstrate strategies, skills, silent reading,and specific behaviors. Instead, our goal is independence. We follow steps for building stamina in the beginning of the year, but we feel like the students need more. It isn’t as simple as introducing expectations, practicing it for a week, and then expecting
students’ independent time to be meaningful. This is why we spend a year on developing
independence with young readers and documenting it. Most of the routines,
structures, strategies, and learning opportunities have to not only be introduced but
revisited to extend and deepen their experiences.
Purposeful Learning Experiences Foster Independence
Lindsey started using the term purposeful learning experiences (PLEs) when referring
to what the other kids should be doing. Many schools develop routines to keep
students busy or quiet so teachers could confer and run small groups. However,
primary teachers in particular worried about the quality and value of what students
were doing to keep busy during the bulk of their literacy block. Their reflexivity
about this was impressive, and Lindsey suggested they ask themselves if the quiet
work had a purpose or enhanced literacy development (not behavior management).
She told them to review every center, every routine, every worksheet (hopefully,
not many), every response opportunity, and ask themselves, “What purpose does
this serve in my students’ literacy development?” If it doesn’t serve a valid purpose,
throw it out. To make this shift, we had to identify what PLEs are and what they are