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Math Process Standards Series, Grades 6-8

By Susan O'Connell

NCTM’s Process Standards support teaching that helps middle schoolers develop independent, effective mathematical thinking. The books in the Heinemann Math Process Standards Series give every middle grades teacher the opportunity to explore each standard in depth. With language and examples that don’t require prior math training to understand, the series offers friendly, reassuring advice and ready-to-use examples to any teacher ready to embrace the Process Standards.
 Each book includes a CD-ROM with customizable activities and a correlation guide that helps you


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Full Description

NCTM’s Process Standards support teaching that helps middle schoolers develop independent, effective mathematical thinking. The books in the Heinemann Math Process Standards Series give every middle grades teacher the opportunity to explore each standard in depth. With language and examples that don’t require prior math training to understand, the series offers friendly, reassuring advice and ready-to-use examples to any teacher ready to embrace the Process Standards.
 Each book includes a CD-ROM with customizable activities and a correlation guide that helps you match mathematical content with process.
The complete Math Process Standards Series, Grades 6–8 includes:
Introduction to Communication, Grades 6–8
Susan O'Connell and Suzanne G. Croskey
Supports an understanding of mathematical communication, and presents ways to help students explore math content through talking and writing.
Introduction to Connections, Grades 6–8
Susan O'Connell, Cynthia W. Langrall, Sherry L. Meier, Edward S. Mooney and Honi J. Bamberger
Familiarizes you with ways to help students see the relationships between and among mathematical skills and content.
Introduction to Problem Solving, Grades 6–8
Joy Bronston Schackow and Susan O'Connell
Highlights strategies that help students develop the mathematical thinking necessary to discover effective approaches for solving a wide range of math problems.
Introduction to Reasoning and Proof, Grades 6–8
Susan O'Connell, Denisse R. Thompson and Karren Schultz-Ferrell
Demonstrates ways to help students explore their reasoning and support their mathematical thinking.
Introduction to Representation, Grades 6–8
Susan O'Connell, Bonnie H. Ennis and Kimberly S. Witeck
Shares ways to help students use algorithms, graphs, manipulatives, diagrams, and other written and pictorial forms to express mathematical ideas.

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