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Math Workshop 6-12
Five Steps to Implementing a Student-Centered Learning Environment

How to implement a student-centered math workshop in middle and high school classrooms.

A Teacher’s Guide to Math Workshop

How to get started with math workshop in any classroom and with any math curriculum.  Classroom videos and online resources support the foundational content in this new Classroom Essentials text.

The Marilyn Burns Fraction Kit

Discover the single most effective material that Marilyn Burns uses for fractions. Playing a prominent role in the three books from Teaching Arithmetic series, the kit includes the fraction kit guide, 30 sets of 8 colored 2 x 15 inch strips with storage bags, 15 beginner and 15 advanced fraction dice, and a teacher set of magnetic strips.

The Collaborative Math Classroom
Launching a Student-Centered Mathematical Community
The Collaborative Math Classroom is a practical guide that outlines exactly how teachers can launch and cultivate a collaborative, student-centered math classroom. You will find clear suggestions to help you get started and establish a structure, along with ideas of what to look for, signs to celebrate, answers to questions, and a variety of resources, all drawn from classroom experience and backed by research.
Solving for Why
Understanding, Assessing, and Teaching Students Who Struggle with Math
Solving for Why offers educators the tools and guidance essential for successfully solving for why students struggle with mathematics. The step-by-step, RTI (Response to Intervention) – like approaches, focused on assessment and communication with students, help teachers gain insight into student understanding in a remarkably different way that recipe-type approaches that assume the same solution applies to learners with similar struggles.
Talk Moves, Third Edition
A Teacher's Guide for Using Classroom Discussions in Math, Grades K-6
Talk Moves: A Teacher's Guide for Using Classroom Discussions in Math offers an award-winning, unparalleled look at the significant role that classroom discussions can play in teaching mathematics and deepening students' mathematical understanding and learning.
It Makes Sense: Using Ten-Frames to Build Number Sense

Easy-to-follow teaching directions for compelling, engaging lessons!

From “Look, Quick!” to “Mystery Sums,” the twenty classroom-tested lessons in this resource provide friendly, meaningful support for using ten-frames. Ten-frames are one of the most important models that teachers can use to help students anchor to the landmark number ten and develop all aspects of number sense. They help students develop the skills they need to become flexible and fluent problem solvers.

It Makes Sense: Using the Hundreds Chart to Build Number Sense

A superb resource for teachers!

The twenty classroom-tested lessons and games in this resource transform the hundreds chart from a poster on the classroom wall into a hands-on, interactive tool used by both teachers and students.

The hundreds chart is one of the most important tools teachers can manipulate to help students think about our base ten number system and to build a mental model of the mathematical structure of it. Working with the hundreds chart helps learners develop the skills they need to become flexible and fluent problem solvers.

It Makes Sense: Using Number Paths and Number Lines to Build Number Sense

Strengthen teaching and deepen learning of number skills and concepts

From “Mystery Number” to “Hot Lava Bridge,” the forty classroom-tested lessons in this resource promote the flexible use of number paths and number lines to solve problems and scaffold or document students’ thinking.

Marilyn Burns Fraction Kit Colored Strips Replacement, 30 Sets of 8
Good Questions for Math Teaching, High School
Why Ask Them and What to Ask

Good Questions for Math Teaching, High School is a powerful resource that provides more than 375 examples of open-ended questions for creating dynamic learning environments and helping students make sense of math.

Designed as a supplement to your mathematics curriculum, the questions can be seamlessly embedded within lessons and units of study, used for warm-up routines and review, incorporated into assessments, and used to support intervention or small group instruction. 

Good Questions for Math Teaching, K-5
Why Ask Them and What to Ask

Good Questions for Math Teaching, K-5 is a powerful resource that provides more than 300 examples of open-ended questions for creating dynamic learning environments and helping students make sense of math.

Designed as a supplement to your mathematics curriculum, the questions can be seamlessly embedded within lessons and units of study, used for warm-up routines and review, incorporated into assessments, and used to support intervention and small group instruction.

Good Questions for Math Teaching, 5-8
Why Ask Them and What to Ask

Good Questions for Math Teaching, 5-8 is a powerful resource that provides more than 375 examples of open-ended questions for creating dynamic learning environments and helping students make sense of math.

Designed as a supplement to your mathematics curriculum, the questions can be seamlessly embedded within lessons and units of study, used for warm-up routines and review, incorporated into assessments, and used to support intervention or small group instruction.

About Teaching Mathematics, Fourth Edition
A K-8 Resource
"About Teaching Mathematics is the most important resource in my teaching library."

In the fourth edition of her signature resource, Marilyn Burns presents her current thinking and insights and includes ideas from her most recent teaching experiences. This book addresses how to plan instruction around problem-solving lessons, focuses on arithmetic as the cornerstone of elementary mathematics, and features Marilyn's responses to pedagogical questions she's received from teachers over the years.
Welcome to Math Class
A Collection of Marilyn's Favorite Lessons
Welcome to Math Class features 16 favorite lessons from Marilyn Burns, one of today’s most highly respected mathematics educators.

In this specially compiled collection, Marilyn shares lessons that have weathered the test of time and become permanent parts of her teaching repertoire. This book addresses a broad range of math content, provides a detailed look at how lessons unfolded in actual classrooms, and describes how to organize instruction to maximize learning.
Beyond Pizzas & Pies, Second Edition
10 Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense
A strong foundation with fractions leads to greater student success

The focus of Beyond Pizzas & Pies, Second Edition, is on foundational understandings. The authors help teachers and students understand fractions as numbers, including the use of equivalency and thinking about benchmark numbers, so that when students start to compute with fractions they have a solid foundation.
Beyond Invert & Multiply
Making Sense of Fraction Computation
Pave the way for success with fractions

Beyond Invert & Multiply
 is a powerhouse resource for focusing on fraction computation. It builds on foundational understandings of fractions and applies them to a variety of relevant problem solving situations.
Math Games for Number and Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Games to Support Independent Practice in Math Workshop and More
"My number one go-to resource!"

These thirty-three classroom-tested games can be played successfully by learners on their own, during math workshop, or at math stations. You’ll find all-time favorites like Circles and Stars, Leftovers, Cross Out Singles, and Tens Go Fish. You’ll also discover games that you’ve likely not encountered before—as well as twists on some of your personal favorites!
Math Games for Geometry and Measurement
Games to Support Independent Practice in Math Workshop and More
"The perfect match for math workshop and more!"

These twenty-three classroom-tested games can be played successfully by learners on their own or during math workshop. You’ll find all-time favorites like Connect Four and Compare. You’ll also discover games that you’ve likely not encountered before—as well as twists on some of your personal favorites!
Math Workshop
Five Steps to Implementing Guided Math, Learning Stations, Reflection, and More

Math Workshop is an essential resource for any teacher, school, or district looking to shift or enhance how math is taught. It includes lesson plan examples and templates that will help you visualize and implement a math workshop model in any classroom.

Math workshop supports student engagement and growth in the math classroom. It is structured around accessible mathematical tasks, open-ended problem solving, small-group instruction, student choice, and time for practicing important concepts throughout the year.

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