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Exam/Desk Copy Policy

Heinemann offers eBook exam for books being considered for adoption and desk copies for books that have been adopted as a required text. Please review the policies carefully for the most efficient service.

Downloading an eBook Exam Copy

Examination copies are available to college instructors for books being considered for adoption.

To access an exam ebook, simply click on the "Download an eBook Exam Copy" link on the book's college resource page from our college resource section. Once you receive your ebook, downloading instructions will be included.

Titles with a complimentary downloadable examination ebook are not available in hard copy.

Curricular resources, the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System and Leveled Literacy Intervention, Regie Routman in Residence, Units of Study, stand-alone DVDs/videos, bundles, and some Boynton-Cook/Heinemann professional books are not available as examination copies.

Requesting a Desk Copy

Desk copies will be sent free of charge for any college adoption of 15 or more copies of a required book. You may be asked to provide a copy of the bookstore order.

To request a desk copy, simply click on the "Request a Desk Copy" link on the book's college resource page from our college resource section and complete the form.

You may request up to three desk copies per semester. You also may fax or mail your request (see Contact Us section below).

Orders will be sent via UPS. Allow 10 to 12 business days for delivery.

Please include a daytime phone number with office hours and email address with all requests.

Contact Us
For requests, questions or concerns, please contact: Heinemann
145 Maplewood Avenue, Suite 300
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: 800.225.5800 ext. 1109
Fax: 800.847.0938
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