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Math Professional Development for Teachers K-12

Heinemann Books and Services Provide Tools, Insights, and Skills to Teach Math Well

Math professional books from Heinemann are written by educators, for educators, to support inquiry-based teaching and learning. Our authors start with a curiosity about students' thinking and numerical reasoning. By learning about what students understand, teachers can be responsive to their individual needs. The goal of our professional books is to elevate teacher expertise, increase their comfort and confidence with math instruction, and provide support for helping students make sense of the mathematics they're learning.

Prepare Students to Become Intuitive Problem Solvers

Presented in teacher-friendly language by national authorities on Math instruction

Applicable to new, experienced, and veteran teachers looking to hone their teaching skills

Can be used with core math programs
as supplemental resources

Math Professional Development Books for Teachers K-12

Heinemann's math professional books are written by teachers for teachers and provide classroom-tested guidance, advice, and proven best practices. With a focus on student-centered instruction, we believe all teachers should have our collection of math professional books on their bookshelf.

Children's Mathematics, Second Edition

A must-have resource for shifting your instruction to emphasize students' mathematical reasoning and sense making.

Extending Children's Mathematics: Fractions and Decimals

Help students build a foundation for the conceptual understanding fractions and decimals.

Routines for Reasoning

Develop a set of routines focused on helping students develop their mathematical thinking skill.

Math Professional Development Services

Heinemann's professional development for math teachers is created by educators and tested in classrooms. Learn more about our PD classes, coaching, and events so you are better prepared to go boldly into teaching math today.

Free Teaching Resources for K-12 Math Instruction

Positively Fresh Approaches to Math Achievement

How to Build Confidence and Elevate Learning to Ensure Math Makes Sense

Inquiry & Math Talk

Building Confidence with Collaborative Math Talk for Inquiry-based Learning

Thinking Like a Problem Solver

Encouraging Self-directed Learning Through Reflection, Resourcefulness, and More

From the Heinemann Blog

The Heinemann blog features excerpts, articles, podcasts and more from leaders in K-12 math instruction.

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