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The Artful Approach to Exploring Identity and Fostering Belonging (Paperback)

*Use Promo Code ARTFUL25 at check-out for 20% off plus free shipping!

A guidebook to creating classroom communities that foster identity and belonging in Grades K-6.

Youth Scribes (Paperback)
Teaching a Love of Writing

*Use Promo Code SCRIBES24 at check-out for 20% off plus free shipping!

A framework for building adolescents' identities as scribes--writers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and interests who write from their lived experiences. How to transform reluctant writers into students who want to write as translators and interpreters of their culture.

Teaching Beyond the Timeline
Engaging Students in Thematic History

Teaching Beyond the Timeline: Engaging Students in Thematic History is a practical guide for shifting the the way we teach history in the middle and high school classroom. In order for our students to be truly engaged, we need to help them see the relevance of events in the past, moving from simple rote memorization to requiring students to meaningfully connect historical concepts, people, and events using patterns of comparison, causation, and elements of continuity and change over time. Courses organized around central themes also help to ensure inclusive and relevant curriculum for all our diverse students, a challenge that is difficult to overcome with a traditional, chronological approach. 

Humans Who Teach
A Guide for Centering Love, Justice, and Liberation in Schools

As humans who teach, there is so much that we want for our students and for ourselves. We want to make our classrooms welcoming and equitable places for students, and we want to lead lives full of peace, love, and joy. However, the ways in which we have been socialized can hold us back. In Humans Who Teach: A Guide for Centering Love, Justice, and Liberation in Schools, Shamari Reid lays out a path for working toward liberation for our students and for ourselves by honoring our own humanity and choosing love over fear.

Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy
Teaching for Healing and Transformation

As trauma and adversity become increasingly common, teachers and educators need the tools to support their students through these challenges. Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy is an actionable guide that offers research and inclusive frameworks to help you create a trauma-responsive classroom.

Centered on the whole child, this resource promotes healing and wellness for both students and educators. Turn wounds into wisdom and create a safe, supportive space for learning with Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy.

Literacy's Democratic Roots
A Personal Tour Through Eight Big Ideas

Tom Newkirk, lifetime educator and bestselling author of Minds Made for Stories, discusses eight powerful literacy practices-- and the democratic values that connect them.  Newkirk argues that "the house of literacy has a thousand doors, and our job is to help students find one that will let them in."  Yet for many students reading and writing is made unnecessarily difficult and uninviting. We need to tell a better story.  Literacy's Democratic Roots celebrates eight door-opening ideas that can help us make room for all students.

Textured Teaching
A Framework for Culturally Sustaining Practices
With Culturally Sustaining Practice as its foundation, Textured Teaching shares lesson design strategies that build traditional literacy skills while supporting students in developing their social justice skills at the same time.
Start Here, Start Now
A Guide to Antibias and Antiracist Work in Your School Community
Start Here, Start Now addresses many of the questions and challenges educators have about getting started with antibias and antiracist work, using a framework for tackling perceived barriers from a proactive stance. Liz answers the questions with personal stories, sample lessons, anchor charts, resources, conversation starters, extensive teacher and activist accounts, and more.
Between Worlds, Fourth Edition
Second Language Acquisition in Changing Times
The updated edition of a classic text on research-based best practices for teaching emergent bilingual students.
Social Justice Talk
Strategies for Teaching Critical Awareness
In Social Justice Talk, Chris Hass, along with his colleagues Nozsa Tinsley, and Tiffany Palmatier, detail how to facilitate rich discussions that disrupt the harmful social beliefs and practices we and our students are immersed in every day. Each chapter is filled with vignettes, transcripts, and video clips from real classrooms and families that offer realistic expectations and models of what we can expect and hope for when we take on this work.
En Comunidad
Lessons for Centering the Voices and Experiences of Bilingual Latinx Students
En Comunidad brings bilingual Latinx students' perspectives to the center of our classrooms, and offers classroom-ready lessons that amplify the varied stories and identities of Latinx children.
We Got This.
Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to Be

While challenging the teacher as hero trope, We Got This shows how authentically listening to kids is the closest thing to a superpower that we have. Cornelius Minor identifies tools, attributes, and strategies that can augment our listening, allowing us to make powerful moves toward equity by broadening access to learning for all children.

Being the Change
Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension
Being the Change is based on the idea that people can develop skills and habits to serve them in the comprehension of social issues. Sara K. Ahmed identifies and unpacks the skills of social comprehension, providing teachers with tools and activities that help students make sense of themselves and the world as they navigate relevant topics in today’s society.
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