The Exceeding the Common Core State Standard Series
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The Exceeding the Common Core State Standard Series

In this series, noted teacher—researchers Jeffrey Wilhelm, Michael Smith, and James Fredricksen tackle the three key modes of writing demanded by the Common Core State Standards. For middle-grades teachers they share classroom-proven strategies grounded in important research. All to support teaching and learning about informational, argument, and narrative writing.

Link to Get It Done!
Writing and Analyzing Informational Texts to Make Things Happen

Jeffrey D Wilhelm, Michael Smith, James Fredricksen

Informational texts aren’t just for school “Even if the CCSS are not adopted in your state, the theory and instruction we present is devoted to developing not only competence in literacy, but competence in life.” Jeffrey Wilhelm, Michael Smith, and James Fredricksen Informational texts aren’t just for school. They are a real-world tool for making things happen.... more


Link to Oh, Yeah?!
Putting Argument to Work Both in School and Out

Michael Smith, Jeffrey D Wilhelm, James Fredricksen

Because everything is an argument “In this book, we’ll argue that you can teach the writing of argument so that students will not only exceed the Common Core State Standards, but also be prepared for a future as students and citizens.” Michael Smith, Jeffrey Wilhelm, and James Fredricksen The Common Core State Standards are an argument that “students’ ability to write sound... more


Link to So, What’s the Story?
Teaching Narrative to Understand Ourselves, Others, and the World

James Fredricksen, Jeffrey D Wilhelm, Michael Smith

Get the whole story on teaching narrative writing “Narrative can foster a new understanding of self and others, and help people solve real problems together. In short narrative empowers people. This makes it vitally important to helping students become ‘college and career ready.’” James Fredricksen, Michael Smith, and Jeffrey Wilhelm While Common Core standards on argument... more
