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Results for "Point-Less"
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An English Teacher’s Guide to More Meaningful Grading
Grade: 6th-12th
Pub Date: 3/31/2020

From the Foreword by Cris Tovani:

“Sarah Zerwin has written the book I desperately needed to help my beliefs about learning match my assessment practices.  In Point-Less, she nudges teachers to consider how traditional forms of grading get in the way of student growth.  Her pioneering ways of marking, collecting, and sharing student work shows teachers how to assess... more

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eBook + Print Bundle
No More Telling as Teaching
Less Lecture, More Engaged Learning
Grade: 6th-12th
Pub Date: 4/12/2017

Congratulations to Cris Tovani, recipient of ILA's Adolescent Literacy Thought Leader Award 2017!

The truth is, when we rely on lecture in an effort to cover content, we’re doing students a disservice.  Although lecture can be engaging and even useful, lecture alone cannot give kids real opportunities to learn, retain, and transfer the disciplinary... more

Other Formats Available
eBook + Print Bundle
Pop Culture as a Point of Engagement

Pop Culture as a Point of Engagement... more
Barry Lane: More Kirk, Less Spock

Barry Lane: More Kirk, Less Spock... more
9 Types of Reading Conferences: A Jumping Off Point

9 Types of Reading Conferences: A Jumping Off Point... more
Online PLC: Connecting Point-and-Click Kids to the Power of Novels

Online PLC: Connecting Point-and-Click Kids to the Power of Novels... more

Sarah M. Zerwin is a high school English teacher at Fairview High School in Boulder, Colorado. In over 20 years in the classroom, she has taught high school in a variety of settings as well as methods courses to college students. A national presenter, Sarah also works with teachers through the Colorado Writing Project. She seeks the best ways to invite her students to read... more
On the Podcast: Moving to a Points-Free System with Sarah Zerwin

In this episode, we're joined by Sarah Zerwin, author of the upcoming book Point-less: An English Teachers Guide to More Meaningful Grading.... more
On the Podcast: Risk. Fail. Rise. Read Aloud with Colleen Cruz

The Teacher Martyr Makes Mistakes, Avoids Risk, and Observes Less I know this, preach this, and yet am also terrible at following my own admonishments.... more
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