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Results for "Falling in Love with Close Reading Workshop"
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Falling in Love with Close Reading
Lessons for Analyzing Texts--and Life
Grade: 5th-12th
Pub Date: 10/16/2013

"Love brings us in close, leads us to study the details of a thing, and asks us to return again and again. These are the motivations and ideas that built this book."
—Chris Lehman and Kate Roberts

You and your students will fall for close reading. In Falling in Love with Close Reading, Christopher Lehman and Kate Roberts show... more

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eBook + Print Bundle
Falling in Love with Nonfiction Reading

Each Wednesday night at 7:30 pm Eastern, The Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project hosts a Twitter chat using the hashtag #TCRWP.Join @clemenkat tomorrow evening to chat about nonfiction reading... more
Fall in Love with Close Reading Today!

In Falling in Love with Close Reading, we argue that teaching readers to look at texts closely–by showing them how one word, one scene, or one idea matters–is an opportunity to extend a love affair with reading.”... more
3 Reasons to Love Independent Reading

For anyone looking for high-quality reading instructional methods, it’s easy to fall in love with independent reading time.... more
Making Our Whole Class Teaching Powerful: A Close-up Look at Minilessons in Reading

But even so, though minilessons aren't the sole means of instruction in reading workshop, they are the centerpiece.Whether you are new to reading workshop instruction and you are learning how to deliver minilessons effectively, or you are a seasoned instructor looking to tweak your minilessons to give them even more power, now is a perfect time to... more
Book Love
Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers
Grade: 6th-12th
Pub Date: 10/26/2012

 “I believe each of my students must craft an individual reading life of challenge, whim, curiosity, and hunger, and I’ve discovered that it is not too late in high school  to lead a non-reader to reading.  It’s never too late.”Penny Kittle

Penny Kittle wants us to face the hard truths every English teacher fears:  too many kids don’t... more

Other Formats Available
eBook + Print Bundle
How the Essentials of Reading and Writing Workshop Do—and Don

Some of your kids will be reading paper books, and some will be reading almost exclusively digitally.That means making sure that these systems are working—that kids have plenty to read, they know how to get more books, and they love the books in their hands.... more
Because You Loved Amulet Shelf
Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Classroom Library
Grade: 3rd-5th
Pub Date: 10/8/2021

One of the most magical moments as a teacher is when a student approaches you—book in hand, eyes alight—asking, “ Do you have more like this one?” The student, holding the treasured book in both hands, offers it to you. You glance at the familiar cover, well aware of how many of your students love this title. In this moment, you wish that you had a “Because you loved…” basket... more

Reading Workshop 2.0
Supporting Readers in the Digital Age
Grade: 3rd-8th
Pub Date: 3/16/2015

As reading teachers, how do we deal with the massive shifts that digital literacy is creating? We can’t abandon what we know works to keep up with the latest online-literacy fads. Yet, we need to prepare readers for a world of digital content. Reading Workshop 2.0 gives us teaching that puts reading for meaning first while also balancing the need for kids to become... more

Other Formats Available
eBook + Print Bundle
Nurturing Book Love in Uncertain Teaching Times

She is the co-author of 180 Days with Kelly Gallagher, and is the author of Book Love, and Write Beside Them, which won the James Britton award.... more
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