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Results for "Ellin Keene and Nell Duke?source=resolutions"
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Ellin Oliver Keene has been a classroom teacher, staff developer, non-profit director and adjunct professor of reading and writing.  For sixteen years she directed staff development initiatives at the Denver-based Public Education & Business Coalition.  She served as Deputy Director and Director of Literacy and Staff Development for the Cornerstone... more

Heinemann Author Q & A Series: Nell Duke & Ellin Keene

Heinemann Author Q & A Series: Nell Duke & Ellin Keene... more

Nell K. Duke, Ed.D., is a professor in literacy, language, and culture and also in the combined... more

No More Mindless Homework
Grade: K-5th
Pub Date: 3/29/2017

While schools around the nation reconsider homework policies, teachers, students, and parents continue to ride the wave of either too much, too little, too easy, or too hard homework assignments. In the expectation that children complete homework, sometimes they are assigned mindless “busy work.”  Kathy Collins and Janine Bempechat take on the stormy topic of homework by re-focusing... more
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No More Reading Instruction Without Differentiation
Grade: K-5th
Pub Date: 5/18/2016

The research is compelling: when teachers differentiate reading instruction, students learn more. But teachers are too often given the expectation of differentiation without the details on how to make it work.   In No More Reading Instruction Without Differentiation, Debra Peterson and Lynn Bigelman offer an instructional framework that adapts instruction based on individual... more

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