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Saxon Reading Foundations

Accelerate Reading Growth with Systematic, Explicit, Research-Based Phonics Instruction

Build a solid foundation in phonics and help K–2 students become successful readers. Saxon Reading Foundations was built to explicitly teach phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency in a way that's supported by scientific research and has been proven effective by years of classroom success.

The many strands that are woven into skilled reading. Language comprehension becomes increasingly strategic: Background knowledge (facts, concepts, etc.), Vocabulary (breadth, precision, links, etc.), Language Structures (syntax, semantics, etc.), Verbal Reasoning (inference, metaphor, etc.), Literacy Knowledge (print concepts, genres,etc.). Word Recognition becomes increasingly automatic: Phonlogical Awareness (syllables, phonemes, etc.), Decoding (alphabetic principle, spelling-sound correspondences), Sight Reognition (of familiar words). The result is skilled reading: fluent execution and coordination of word recognition and text comprehension. The image, used with permission from the Publisher, originally appeared in the following publication: Scarborough, H.S. (2001). Connecting early language and literacy to later reading (dis)abilities: Evidence, theory, and practice. In S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy research (Vol. 1, pp. 97-110). Guildford Press. Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

Effective Science-Based Instruction

Saxon Reading Foundations’ approach to teaching foundational reading skills is based on essential research in the Science of Reading and cognitive science. The program primarily focuses on teaching phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency while building students’ decoding skills. As students begin to establish a solid foundation in their early literacy skills, Saxon also incorporates the development of vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Proven to Drive Student Growth

A study conducted by PRES Associates, Inc. showed that students using Saxon demonstrated significant gains in reading, phonics, and spelling. The program also works for speakers of languages other than English and special education students.

graph of successful results

Motivational Learning Experiences

Saxon Reading Foundations offers systematic, explicit, and cumulative instruction, nurturing essential early literacy skills. By employing an incremental development approach with progressively challenging content and ongoing review, Saxon enables students to achieve reading proficiency by third grade.


Built-in tools to support instruction and build foundational skills

Decodable book covers

Texts Students Want to Read

Decodable Readers allow students to practice reading with confidence, while Fluency Readers give each student many opportunities to practice during whole-group reading instruction or independent reading time. Controlled vocabulary is used throughout the program so students are able to achieve automaticity.

Multisensory Practice and Dyslexia Support

Saxon Reading Foundations integrates the Orton-Gillingham language triangle (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning) into phonics instruction. Through engaging, multisensory activities, the program teaches important phonics principles like letters, sounds, spelling, and sight words. All students, including those with dyslexia, receive support for ongoing success.

A teacher supporting diverse learners.

Embedded Multilingual Learner Support

To support multilingual learners, teachers can utilize 'Multilingual Learner Support tips provided at the start of each lesson. These tips offer strategies and activities to help multilingual learners access lesson content and practice skills. Each tip is labeled based on the level of support it provides, categorized as light, moderate, or substantial.


Accelerate student phonics, spelling, and reading growth.

Integrated Phonics, Spelling, and Handwriting Instruction

The relationship between reading and writing is vital to building early literacy skills. Saxon Reading Foundations makes it easy to simultaneously teach phonics, spelling, and handwriting using a structured literacy approach with built-in instructional supports.

Incremental Learning and Controlled Practice

Explicit, systematic instruction given in small increments provides multiple opportunities for exposure. Teachers can review student progress daily, allowing them to know what students have mastered and where they might need additional support.

Image of a Page from the Overview
Sample lessons

Differentiation in Every Lesson

Targeted small-group activities at the end of each non-assessment lesson provide support for students who need additional support, are on target, or need an extra challenge. These activities support, reinforce, or extend the focus skill of the lesson.


Inspire educators with a Heinemann professional learning partnership that builds confidence in their program implementation and supports them as they work towards their professional goals and enhances the effectiveness of Saxon Reading Foundations through dedicated support for teachers and leaders.

  • Implementation Support - Build teacher confidence and excitement for Saxon Reading Foundations with Getting Started sessions that cover the program's organization, lesson structure, and essential components.
  • Live Online Follow-up Support - Deepen your teachers' learning and application through live online follow-up sessions on topics like digital tools and resources, data, and differentiation to meet teachers' specific needs.
  • Personalized Instructional Coaching - Support teachers with personalized coaching sessions tailored to high-impact instructional strategies, planning, and the development of classroom goals aligned with the Science of Reading principals
  • Courses - Heinemann courses connect Science of Reading concepts with your Saxon Reading Foundations program, equipping teachers with essential skills to enhance pedagogy, implementation, and student outcomes.


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