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Right-Answer Writing

An All-in-One Resource to Help Students Craft Better Responses

We know that all writing follows some kind of structure. But when there’s a Right Answer involved, those structures tighten—especially in testing situations, where someone else constructs the prompts and the answers. This narrows writing and offers students less freedom. Fortunately, Right-Answer Writing provides writers a direct path from the prompt to an accurate, correct response, enabling them to complete each task with success and confidence.

Right-Answer Writing includes four exciting resources—three slim, practical handbooks and a CD. Beginning with the first handbook,...

3 Handbooks + CD

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List Price: $61.33

Web/School Price: $46.00


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Full Description

We know that all writing follows some kind of structure. But when there’s a Right Answer involved, those structures tighten—especially in testing situations, where someone else constructs the prompts and the answers. This narrows writing and offers students less freedom. Fortunately, Right-Answer Writing provides writers a direct path from the prompt to an accurate, correct response, enabling them to complete each task with success and confidence.

Right-Answer Writing includes four exciting resources—three slim, practical handbooks and a CD. Beginning with the first handbook, The Process and the Prompt, Ardith Davis Cole describes Right-Answer Protocol, a simple, powerful, step-by-step procedure for constructing responses to prompts of any sort. Cole thoroughly describes prompts, outlining the three things every student and teacher should know about them, then takes you through the Right-Answer process. From a single, unified paragraph to a multiple-paragraph response, students will have a reliable procedure for writing that delivers high-quality answers to test prompts.

Cole expands on the Right-Answer Protocol by applying it to two other kinds of writing tasks found in school and the real world. In The Persuasive Essay she shows how the Right-Answer structure can help students conceptualize this genre in new and powerful ways. Then in the final book, The Research Paper, Cole offers smart advice for using the Right-Answer method within a research protocol to produce better papers and virtually eliminate copying and plagarism.

In addition, the Right-Answer Writing CD supports each volume by providing everything you need to teach Cole’s response protocol, which makes it a terrific classroom or staff-development tool. Merely insert the CD and print or project sequenced PowerPoint slides, charts, samples of text, student writing, lesson plans, and websites. It’s invaluable for both busy teachers and staff developers.

What’s more, you can weave this package into your existing curriculum. So give your students the ability to respond quickly and accurately to any prompt. Show them important strategies that will support smart thinking and competent writing throughout their academic and real-world lives. Use Right-Answer Writing when the stakes are high—or any time the Right Answer is needed.

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