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Process Drama and Multiple Literacies

Addressing Social, Cultural, and Ethical Issues

By Jenifer Jasinski Schneider, Thomas P Crumpler, Theresa Rogers
Foreword by Cecily O'Neill

    These profoundly courageous teachers and researchers will be an inspiration to others . . . . They work to offer opportunities for their students to grow as competent and complete individuals accepting responsibility for the society in which they live.
    —Cecily O'Neill
Students are often asked to imagine themselves into the shoes of another person—an historical figure, a literary character, a contemporary political or social figure—then to consider life from that person's perspective. But what if they could really step into that person's life? Experience different conditions?


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Full Description

    These profoundly courageous teachers and researchers will be an inspiration to others . . . . They work to offer opportunities for their students to grow as competent and complete individuals accepting responsibility for the society in which they live.
    —Cecily O'Neill
Students are often asked to imagine themselves into the shoes of another person—an historical figure, a literary character, a contemporary political or social figure—then to consider life from that person's perspective. But what if they could really step into that person's life? Experience different conditions? Make decisions based on someone else's biases, knowledge, and intuition? With process drama they can, and Process Drama and Multiple Literacies will show you how.

Process Drama and Multiple Literacies takes you inside nine classrooms where process drama successfully taps students' multiple literacies, integrates content from across the curricular areas, and develops students' social and critical awareness. These classrooms span a wide range of ages, and their stories will show you how this technique allows students to view the world from multiple perspectives by involving them in situations where they must make informed decisions. And far from simple classroom plays, process dramas are conceived and enacted by students in response to the issues and questions raised by content in the curriculum and by the world.

Backed by research, filled with smart ideas for introducing process drama into your teaching, and illustrative of a variety of classrooms and process-drama projects, Process Drama and Multiple Literacies will help your students see the world through different eyes.

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