Subject Index |
Why Monologues |
Tips on Auditioning with a Monologue |
Geoffrey, Joan Ackermann |
Cantaloupe, Liz Duffy Adams |
Arm Bone, Janet Allard |
By Definition, Rachel Axler |
The Strawberry Scene, Bianca Bagatourian |
Excerpt from Body of Water, Neena Beber |
Winter with Tambourine Boy, Brooke Berman |
Perry Mason, Parakeets, and Gorganzola, Meredith Besser |
The Women of Lockerbie, Deborah Brevoort |
Excerpt from con Flama, Sharon Bridgforth |
I Am Not a Black Woman, Kim Brundidge |
Excerpt from Kate Crackernuts, Sheila Callaghan |
Excerpt from Scab, Sheila Callaghan |
Excerpt from Braille Garden, Darrah Cloud |
So Far, Connie Congdon |
Addicts, Tonya Derrickson |
Circles, Constance Dial |
The Four Effs, Donna diNovelli |
F2F, Linda Eisenstein |
Lightning, Annie Evans |
Take Back the Classroom, Nell Grantham |
Excerpt from Jimmy Carter Was a Democrat, Rinne Groff |
Intimate Lay, Ellen Hagan |
Excerpt from Do You Have Time to Die?, Imani Harrington |
The Adventures of Munchkin Woman, Jean Kristen Hedgecock |
Excerpt from Mitzi’s Abortion, Elizabeth Heffrom |
Excerpt from Distance Over Time Equals, Lidsay Brandon Hunter |
Anymore, Carleen Jaspers |
Excerpt from Spring Thaw, Susan Johnston |
Cowslips, Honour Kane |
Shoes, Aurorae Khoo |
And What She Told Me, Marty Kingsbury |
Excerpt from Original Sin, Lisa M. Konoplisky |
Diet Cherry Coke, Sherry Kramer |
Fantasy Land, Mary Lanthrop |
Excerpt from String of Pearls, Michele Lowe |
Excerpt from Iphigenia and Other Daughters, Ellen McLaughlin |
A Tradition, Ana Maria Mebane |
A Bear incident, Susan Mendelson |
Cockapoo, S.P. Miskowksi |
Neutered by Sperm, Stephanie Moore |
Still Life of a Mouth, Julie Marie Myatt |
My Mother’s Eyes, Jamie Pachino |
Netty’s Dance, Regina Porter |
Gone Stone Cold, Susanna Ralli |
Circus Madness, Jacquelyn Reingold |
Variations on a Theme, Tania Richard/i> |
Qualification 2, Kate Robin |
Excerpt from The Clean House, Sarah Ruhl |
Excerpt from Under Yelma, Buffy Sedlachek |
The Black Eyed, Betty Shamieh |
God Is A Dyke, Jane Shepard |
The Shaman on the Mountain, Lillian Ann Slugocki |
Excerpt from Slow Fast Walking on the Red Eye, Caridad Svich |
God Is Kind to Some Women, C. Denby Swanson |
I’ll Never Be Skinny Again, Fiona J. Torres |
Fruit Flies, Jennie Webb |
Two Girls, Erin Cressida Wilson |
Breathing Space, Betty Jane Wylie |
Contributors |
Performance Rights |