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Miscue Analysis Made Easy

Building on Student Strengths

By Sandra Wilde, John Staniunas

Beginning with a series of lively, interactive exercises Sandra leads us through the thinking processes and systems readers use to build understanding of texts then shares a step-by-step diagnostic procedure that helps to identify and maximize students’ strengths.


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Full Description

Miscue analysis has long been the instrument of choice for knowledgeable researchers working to understand the quality of student errors in reading. Now Sandra has put this remarkable tool into the hands of all classroom teachers. This little jewel of a book gives teachers a humane and respectful tool for understanding readers and the teaching of reading
—Lucy Calkins

Wilde offers teachers commonsense strategies to further the development of their students as readers.
—Professionally Speaking

Understanding what students do when they read, and then helping them take the next step, can be easy for an informed teacher. For Sandra Wilde, the key is to focus on the strengths students bring to the process and build from there. With Miscue Analysis Made Easy, Wilde leads the way, offering a lucid, commonsense explanation of what exactly reading is and how it works.

Beginning with a series of lively, interactive exercises Miscue Analysis Made Easy leads us through the thinking processes and linguistic systems that readers use to build their understanding of text. Through a careful review of these systems, we then learn to assess what readers can do. An easy-to-use, step-by-step diagnostic procedure, including a thoughtful retelling guide, helps us to identify and then maximize the student’s specific strengths. Wilde also offers ideas on how to help students develop the self-monitoring strategies they need to keep track of their own meaning-making process as they read.

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