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Let's Gather Bundle Grade 1

Reading to and with Your First-Graders

By Lucy Calkins, Teachers College Reading & Writing Project

Let’s Gather: Reading to and with Your First-Graders provides teachers with complete interactive read-aloud and shared reading plans to use with and alongside the Units of Study in Reading or to supplement any other resources you might be using to teach reading.


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List Price: $428.00

Web/School Price: $321.00


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Full Description

Let’s Gather is a read-aloud and shared reading curriculum designed to provide grade-level specific read-aloud plans that highlight thoughtfully curated fiction and nonfiction texts that support a progression of high-level comprehension skills across the year. For each grade, there are more than a dozen detailed read-aloud plans and shared reading templates that you may choose to lean on in your classroom. You’ll discover specific plans for read-aloud and shared reading text sets that are guaranteed to captivate students while boosting vocabulary development, knowledge building, and working with key comprehension skills.

Each grade-level Let’s Gather classroom bundle includes:

  • more than a dozen detailed read-aloud and reread-aloud plans that provide regular opportunities for partner talk and whole-class conversations
  • templates for shared-reading sessions that can be used and adapted across multiple texts and are especially useful for teaching and reinforcing phonological awareness, concepts about print, word-solving strategies, and fluency
  • suggestions for teaching methods that will help to engage students, deepen their comprehension, and support knowledge building
  • online resources offer digital access to the guide, anchor charts, learning progressions, shared-reading plan templates, materials to support the teaching in the read-aloud units, and more.

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