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Fountas & Pinnell Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction

By Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell

Save when you buy both Genre Prompting Guides, or the entire Genre Study Suite Bundle!

Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell's Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction and Genre Prompting Guide for Nonfiction, Poetry, and Test Taking are comprehensive tools that you can use to explore fiction and nonfiction genres with your students.



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List Price: $51.87

Web/School Price: $38.90


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Full Description

Save money when you buy both Genre Prompting Guides together, or the entire Genre Study Suite Bundle!

Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell's Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction and Genre Prompting Guide for Nonfiction, Poetry, and Test Taking are comprehensive tools that you can use to explore fiction and nonfiction genres with your students during interactive read-aloud, Reader's workshop, Writer's workshop, guided reading lessons, shared reading, and intervention lessons. The prompts in these ready-reference flip charts are designed to help teachers guide students' inquiry toward explicit understandings of the characteristics of genres. Each prompting guide contains precise language for teaching readers how to focus their thinking and understanding of genres through inquiry.

In the Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction, Fountas and Pinnell have organized fiction prompts by genre as well as by literary elements and structure. Help you and your students lay the groundwork for a lifetime of literacy exploration and an understanding of the following genres:

Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Traditional Literature
Fairy Tales
Modern Fantasy
Animal Fantasy
Low Fantasy
High Fantasy
Science Fiction

Other products in the Genre Study Suite:
Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books
Genre Quick Guide, A Companion to Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books
Genre Prompting Guide for Nonfiction, Poetry, and Test Taking

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