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From Ideas to Words

Writing Strategies for English Language Learners

Tasha offers tools and strategies for writing instruction in a diverse classroom setting, based on the latest research and theories on working with English learners. Suggestions for how to scaffold the writing process in a classroom environment that supports ELLs are illustrated with classroom vignettes and student samples.


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Full Description

Through strong teaching, multilingual students can expand their range of literacy practices, and we, their teachers, can also grow and change as we get to know students as individuals with talents, strengths, interests, and concerns.

—Tasha Tropp Laman

Tasha Tropp Laman helps classroom teachers, ELL specialists, administrators, and literacy coaches  become confident in their ability to support English language learners' growth as writers. Her book, From Ideas to Words, provides insight and practical tips for getting ELL students writing, even if they are at the very beginning stages of English language acquisition.

Each chapter is stocked with specific tools and strategies that help writing instruction meet the needs of ELL writers; illustrated classroom vignettes, samples of children’s writing, student observations, and planning notes based on the information in that chapter. In addition to the theories and research behind working with ELLs, Tasha offers her experience and advice on:

  • creating a classroom environment that supports ELL writers
  • building a community that promotes risk-taking and values different experiences
  • creating whole-group minilessons that meet the needs of emerging and fluent ELLs
  • scaffolding independent practice for a wide variety of ELLs
  • scaffolding writing conferences with tools based on ELL students’ writing and language needs
  • facilitating and encouraging students to share and reflect.

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