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Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning

How to Develop Critically Engaged Readers, Writers, and Speakers

By Thomas McCann, Larry R. Johannessen, Elizabeth Kahn, Peter Smagorinsky, Michael Smith
Foreword by Jeffrey D Wilhelm

    Sometimes we find our teachers, and sometimes our teachers find us. If you do not know George Hillocks, Jr. and his work, then this volume will make you his student in ways that will be transformative.
    —Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Coauthor of Reading Don’t Fix No Chevys

How do you measure greatness in education? Neither the length of a vita nor the number of citations can tell the full story of an important figure like George Hillocks, Jr. The best way to understand his ideas and influence is to go inside classrooms where followers channel his passion for inquiry-based learning into dynamic language-arts...


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Full Description

    Sometimes we find our teachers, and sometimes our teachers find us. If you do not know George Hillocks, Jr. and his work, then this volume will make you his student in ways that will be transformative.
    —Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Coauthor of Reading Don’t Fix No Chevys

How do you measure greatness in education? Neither the length of a vita nor the number of citations can tell the full story of an important figure like George Hillocks, Jr. The best way to understand his ideas and influence is to go inside classrooms where followers channel his passion for inquiry-based learning into dynamic language-arts lessons that support student success.

In Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning twenty-one of Hillocks' former graduate students share how they apply his principles to encourage adolescents to become critically engaged readers, writers, and speakers. But far from a simple celebration of a master educator's work, Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning describes specific, practical activities that create authentic, active learning through inquiry, meaningful peer interaction, and reflection. These activities can be put to immediate use as either additions to your existing lessons or as patterns for building new curricular and instructional models.

In an era when teachers face more pressures and scrutiny than ever, Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning provides compelling testimony to what thoughtful, reflective language-arts teachers can accomplish. Read Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning and discover that greatness in education is measured one student success at a time.

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