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Units of Study Reading Supporting All Readers Bundle Grades K-2

By Lucy Calkins

Supporting All Readers is a collection of ready-to-teach conferring supports and small group lessons designed to help teachers meet the needs of the wide range of learners in their classrooms.


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Full Description

Responsive Teaching to Support ALL Learners

What if you could more easily support students for small group work in your early primary classroom? Supporting All Readers is a collection of conferring supports and small group lessons designed to help teachers meet the needs of the wide range of learners in their classrooms. It includes ready-to-teach small groups and conferences focused on major reading development goals, and is organized into skill progressions that range from more supportive to more advanced. You can ensure that all readers in your classroom are set up successfully to progress along a trajectory of development.

This book is a curated collection across kindergarten through second-grade, organized into 7 categories: 

1. Supporting Kids as They Build Their Reading Lives 

2. Supporting Emergent Readers 

3. Supporting Phonics, Word Recognition, and Decoding 

4. Supporting Reading with Fluency 

5. Supporting Oral Language and Vocabulary Development 

6. Lifting the Level of Fiction Comprehension 

7. Lifting the Level of Nonfiction Reading 

How can this book be used? 

• Choose conferences or small groups that meet students precisely where they are 

• Target foundational needs 

• Align conferences and small groups to minilessons 

• Highlight skills that may apply to multiple grade levels or lessons 

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