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Drama Worlds

A Framework for Process Drama

By Cecily O'Neill

    Drama Worlds by Cecily O'Neill will be a book for the 90s and beyond. . . . It will promote considerable direction for educators, press their thinking forward, and constitute an invaluable resource in the advocacy for process drama.

    —NADIE Journal

Drama Worlds examines the complex improvised event called process drama and identifies it as an essential part of today's theatre. Cecily O'Neill considers process drama's sources and connections with more familiar kinds of improvisation: the texts it generates, the kinds of roles available, factors such as audience and dramatic time, and the leader's...


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List Price: $45.00

Web/School Price: $33.75


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Full Description

    Drama Worlds by Cecily O'Neill will be a book for the 90s and beyond. . . . It will promote considerable direction for educators, press their thinking forward, and constitute an invaluable resource in the advocacy for process drama.

    —NADIE Journal

Drama Worlds examines the complex improvised event called process drama and identifies it as an essential part of today's theatre. Cecily O'Neill considers process drama's sources and connections with more familiar kinds of improvisation: the texts it generates, the kinds of roles available, factors such as audience and dramatic time, and the leader's function in the event.

She provides examples of several process dramas and identifies key dramatic strategies and characteristics.

The explicit associations between theatre form and process drama make this approach accessible and its purposes and possibilities easy to understand, particularly to those working in actor training and theatre. Teachers and directors will discover effective ways to explore drama worlds and achieve a significant dramatic experience for all participants.

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