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The Actor's Script

Script Analysis for Performers

The real star of any play or film is the script. Every creative choice is focused on making this abstract compilation of dialogue and actions come to breathing, believable life. The Actor's Script offers a clear, concise, and easily assimilated technique for beginning scriptwork specifically tailored to actors' requirements and sensibilities. Included are:

  • techniques actors need to make the script a powerful and limitless resource for creativity, passion, and transformation
  • processes for breaking scenes into playable beats and actions
  • character analysis from textual information,


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List Price: $24.80

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Full Description

The real star of any play or film is the script. Every creative choice is focused on making this abstract compilation of dialogue and actions come to breathing, believable life. The Actor's Script offers a clear, concise, and easily assimilated technique for beginning scriptwork specifically tailored to actors' requirements and sensibilities. Included are:

  • techniques actors need to make the script a powerful and limitless resource for creativity, passion, and transformation
  • processes for breaking scenes into playable beats and actions
  • character analysis from textual information, themes, and larger ideas
  • specific playwriting styles
  • and many excerpts and applications from both contemporary and classic texts.

All discussions are applied to actors' unique needs with humor and clarity. Actors who read this book will learn how to break down a script, create the richest and most varied characters, embody the time period and script's unique world, and allow the highest themes and ideas to empassion their choices.

Charles S. Waxberg, playwright, director, and actor, has been developing his technique for script analysis since 1981. He has taught script analysis, playwriting, and acting for Carnegie-Mellon University, Stella Adler Conservatory, New York University--Tisch School of the Arts, and the Roundabout Theatre Conservatory, which he founded and where he served as Conservatory Director. Mr. Waxberg has performed in over 25 productions throughout the East Coast and New York City.

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