Introduction: Opening Up: Toward a Critical Discourse for Writing Program Administration, Donna Strickland and Jeanne Gunner
I: The Cultural Work of Writing Programs
1. Conservative Writing Program Administrators, Jeff Rice
2. Standards and Purity: Understanding Institutional Strategies to Insure Homogeneity, Tom Fox
3. Feminisms and the Problem of Complicity in Writing Program Administrator Work, Laura Bartlett Snyder
4. How We Do What We Do: Facing the Contradictory Political Economics of Writing Programs, Tony Scott
II: Alternative WPA Discourses
5. Freedom and Safety, Space and Place: Locating the Critical WPA, Sidney I. Dobrin
6. Redefining Work and Value for Writing Program Administration, Bruce Horner
7. Queer Eye for the Comp Program: Toward a Queer Critique of WPA Work, William P. Banks and Jonathan Alexander
8. Inviting Trouble: The Subversive Potential of the Outsider Within Standpoint, Jane E. Hindman
9. Laboring to Globalize a First-Year Writing Program, Wendy Hesford, Eddie Singleton, and Ivonne Garcia
10. The Pragmatics of Professionalism, Thomas P. Miller and Jillian Skeffington
III: Subjectivity, Identity, Reflection
11. The Writing Program Administrator and Enlightened False Consciousness: The Virtues of Becoming an Empty Signifier, Joe Marshall Hardin
12. “Acting Out” or Acts of Agency: WPA and “Identities of Participation,” Kathryn Valentine
13. Analyzing Narratives of Change in a Writing Program, Margaret Shaw, Gerry Winter, and Brian Huot
14. Writing Program Administration Outside the North American Context, Lisa Emerson and Rosemary Clerehan
15. WPAs and Identity: Sounding the Depths, Christopher Burnham and Susanne Green
16. Place, Culture, Memory, Suellynn Duffey