1. Delivering College Composition: A Vocabulary for Discussion, Kathleen Blake Yancey
2. The Canon of Delivery in Rhetorical Theory: Selections, Commentary, and Advice, Martin Jacobi
3. Faculties, Students, Sites, Technologies: Multiple Deliveries of Composition at a Research University, Irwin Weiser
4. Getting Our Money's Worth: Delivering Composition at a Comprehensive State University, Joyce Magnotto Neff
5. Delivering Composition at a Liberal Arts College: Making the Implicit Explicit, Carol Rutz
6. Keepin' It Real: Delivering College Composition at an HBCU, Teresa Redd
7. Advanced Placement, Not Advanced Exemption: Challenges for High Schools, Colleges, and Universities, David A. Jolliffe and Bernard Phelan
8. The Space Between: Dual-Credit Programs as Brokering, Community Building, and Professionalization, Christine Farris
9. Is It Pedagogical or Administrative? Administering Distance Delivery to High Schools, Paul Bodmer
10. Design, Delivery, and Narcolepsy, Todd Taylor
11. Toward Delivering New Definitions of Writing, Marvin Diogenes and Andrea A. Lunsford
12. Undisciplined Writing, Joseph Harris
13. Asynchronicity: Delivery Composition and Literature in the Cyberclassroom, Richard Courage
14. Distributed Teaching, Distributed Learning: Integrating Technology and Critera-Driven Assessment into the Delivery of First-Year Composition, Rebecca Rickly
15. Delivering College Composition into the Future, Kathleen Blake Yancey