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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 Now Available! Request a quote here!

Seminar ImageLiteracy Beginnings

Based on the PD resource, Literacy Beginnings, 3rd Edition: A Prekindergarten Handbook
Recommended Grade Level: Grades PreK-K


Developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

Play and language are both important learning tools for the prekindergarten child. Through play and language, they learn about their world and about themselves and it is in play that early literacy learning begins. Drawing from Fountas and Pinnell's book, Literacy Beginnings: A Prekindergarten Handbook, this seminar will address the challenges of creating a classroom community that is play-based, but also prepares the children for the literacy-rich world in which they live.

Course goals:

  • Understand how to manage and design classrooms that support meaningful learning experiences through play with teachers as facilitators of self-regulated student learners
  • Focus on assessment using informal and formal observations that provide evidence to support language development and early literacy concepts through intentional conversational interactions
  • Explore The Literacy Continuum, PreK for the behaviors and understandings to notice, teach, and support in order to present playful and joyful yet appropriate, purposeful, and powerful experiences and opportunities to nurture young readers and writers, including learning about letters, sounds, and words
  • Discover the rich resources provided in the Literacy Beginnings handbook.

For pricing information, please call 800.541.2086, ext. 1402.