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AI in the Writing Workshop
Finding the Write Balance

Get free shipping and 20% off now with promo code AIWRITE!

A framework of best practices, exercises, and activities to ethically use AI tools in the high school English classroom.

The Artful Approach to Exploring Identity and Fostering Belonging

A guidebook to creating classroom communities that foster identity and belonging in Grades K-6.

Youth Scribes
Teaching a Love of Writing

A framework for building adolescents' identities as scribes--writers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and interests who write from their lived experiences. How to transform reluctant writers into students who want to write as translators and interpreters of their culture.

Math Workshop 6-12
Five Steps to Implementing a Student-Centered Learning Environment

How to implement a student-centered math workshop in middle and high school classrooms.

5 Questions for Any Text
Critical Reading in the Age of Disinformation

A framework for improving students' critical reading skills using five questions to ask any text.

To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff
Helping Students Build and Use Prior Knowledge

Teaching practices to build students' prior knowledge, a key component to reading comprehension. 

Supporting Multilingual Learners
50 Strategies for Language and Literacy Instruction

Lindsey Moses provides 50 research-based strategies and scaffolds to support multilingual learners in elementary classrooms.

Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Fractions Annotated Teacher Edition Workspace Grades 6-8
Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Multiplication/Division Annotated Teacher Edition Workspace Grades 6-8
Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Fractions Workspace 1 Year Grades 6-8
Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Multiplication/Division Workspace 1 Year Grades 6-8
Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Fractions Teacher Guide Grades 6-8
Heinemann Do The Math Middle School Multiplication/Division Teacher Guide Grades 6-8
The Writing Minilessons Book, Grade 6

With The Writing Minilessons Book, Grade 6, you can develop your sixth-grade students' deep knowledge of literacy concepts. You'll get 230 must-have writing minilessons: concise, explicit, whole-group lessons with a purposeful application in building students' writing power.

The Writing Strategies Book (Spiral and Comp Charts Bundle)

Get The Writing Strategies Book (Spiral) and the Writing Strategies Book Companion Charts for one great price! The anchor charts, tools, and other visuals from The Writing Strategies Book (Spiral) are now available in a tabletop flip chart to save you preparation (and drawing) time!

Also available: Standalone Writing Strategies Book; or Standalone Writing Strategies Companion Charts; or Four-Part Reading and Writing Strategies Bundle.

The Writing Strategies Book and Reading Strategies 2.0 (Spiral Book Bundle)

This bundle includes the spiral bound issue of both The Writing Strategies Book  and The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 for one great price.

The Writing Strategies Book and Reading Strategies 2.0 (Spiral and Comp Charts Bundle)

Get the four-part bundle of The Writing Strategies Book (Spiral), The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 (Spiral) and both Companion Charts flipbooks for one great price!

Also available: Standalone Reading Strategies Book 2.0; or Standalone Reading Strategies 2.0 Companion Charts; or Spiral Reading Strategies 2.0 Bundle; or Paperback Reading Strategies 2.0 Bundle; or Standalone Writing Strategies Book; or Standalone Writing Strategies Companion Charts; or Spiral Writing Strategies Bundle; or Paperback Writing Strategies Bundle.

Growing Language and Literacy
Strategies for Secondary Multilingual Learners

A new edition of the bestselling Growing Language and Literacy, tailored for secondary teachers! Practical strategies that can be applied across grade levels and content areas to support adolescent multilingual learners.

Writing Strategies Book Paperback and Companion Charts Bundle

Get The Writing Strategies Book and Companion Charts for one great price! The anchor charts, tools, and other visuals from The Writing Strategies Book are now available in a tabletop flip chart to save you preparation (and drawing) time! In the companion charts flip chart, you'll find the enlarged versions of every chart corresponding to the 300 strategies in an easy-to-use trifold stand. Ready to use at your table for small groups or conferring, or you can slide a chart under a document camera and project it when teaching a whole-class lesson.

Teaching Beyond the Timeline
Engaging Students in Thematic History

Teaching Beyond the Timeline: Engaging Students in Thematic History is a practical guide for shifting the the way we teach history in the middle and high school classroom. In order for our students to be truly engaged, we need to help them see the relevance of events in the past, moving from simple rote memorization to requiring students to meaningfully connect historical concepts, people, and events using patterns of comparison, causation, and elements of continuity and change over time. Courses organized around central themes also help to ensure inclusive and relevant curriculum for all our diverse students, a challenge that is difficult to overcome with a traditional, chronological approach. 

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