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Interactive Read-Alouds

"When read-alouds are understood as powerful tools for teaching literary elements, building analytical ability, and addressing the standards, they can bring both joy and accelerated learning into the lives of our students." Linda Hoyt

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  • Overview
    Interactive Read-Alouds Bundle Covers

    Read-aloud time is much treasured in elementary and middle school classrooms as teachers share their favorite children's classics with their young readers. Linda Hoyt's Interactive Read-Alouds will help you make the most of this time by showing you creative ways to use popular children's literature to teach specific standards and build fluency and comprehension. Combining guided conversations with reflective thinking, Linda's read-aloud lessons engage children in strategic listening, speaking, reading and writing about text.

  • Book of Lessons
    Interactive Read-Alouds Book of Lessons Covers

    Interactive Read-Alouds Book of Lessons contains standards-based lessons designed around children's classics with Share the Reading strategies and Readers Theater scripts.

    Each lesson features:

    • A concise Lesson Plan models an interactive read aloud and then offers an end of story reflection and strategies for extending and assessing the learning
    • Share the Reading provides a shared text to reinforce the lesson's teaching in a type treatment that is easy to read and in a reproducible format that is easy to photocopy
    • A Readers Theater script introduces drama into your class in a way that allows students of varying reading abilities to interact with different types of text and each other.
  • Teacher's Guide
    Interactive Read-Alouds Teacher's Guide Covers

    The Interactive Read-Alouds Teacher's Guide outlines the thinking behind Interative Read-Alouds and describes how to apply the strategies in your classroom.

  • Printable Resources
    Interactive Read-Alouds Printable Resources

    The Interactive Read-Alouds printable resources provide a wealth of resources for your literacy curriculum. These include:

    Lesson Resources

    • Shared Reading texts: overhead transparency masters for the "Share the Reading" section of every lesson
    • Readers Theater scripts: one script for every interactive read-aloud lesson

    Read-Aloud Lesson Planner

    • Advice on choosing read-aloud books
    • A note-taking form for planning read-aloud lessons based on your own favorite books

    Assessment Tools

    • A selection of assessment forms for observing, evaluating, and tracking reading behaviors

    Tracking Forms

    • A Chart for keeping track of books used with Interactive Read-Alouds lessons

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Strategy Strands

Principles and Practice that Guide Interactive Read-Alouds

Interactive Read-Alouds Grades K-1

Interactive Read-Alouds Grades 2-3

Interactive Read-Alouds Grades 4-5

Interactive Read-Alouds Grades 6-7

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