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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 coming this summer! Pre-order now!
Image of Danling  Fu

Danling Fu

“When I started my work in the New York City schools with ELLs,” writes Danling Fu, “I identified with students struggling to write in English.” A Chinese immigrant, Danling learned to write in English as a graduate student. Her experience continues to motivate her to teach other English learners and to discover effective teaching methods to support them. “Determining the best way to help ELLs develop their writing skills while they were learning English was a puzzle,” she writes, but in her latest Heinemann book, Writing Between Languages, she shares insight from a decade’s work in schools populated with ELLs, where she “gradually learned—through observing them in classrooms, examining their writing samples, and listening to teachers and students—how ELLs developed as writers in English.” Danling is currently Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Florida, and she is the author of two other books with Heinemann: An Island of English and “My Trouble Is My English.”

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