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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 coming this summer! Pre-order now!
Image of Sara  Holbrook

Sara Holbrook

Sara Holbrook is the author of eleven poetry books for children, teens and adults. She has performed for audiences across the US and abroad, for children and adults, in schools, teacher conferences, and bars and once in a boxing ring in Stockholm. According to acclaimed author and poet Jane Yolen, “she does not speak a poem or say a poem or even perform a poem, she sticks her hand down the poem’s throat and pulls it inside out. She makes you laugh, cry, feel.” Her poetry book for teens, Walking on the Boundaries of Change, won the Parent’s Choice Award. She is the author of two poetry books for adults, Chicks Up Front (Cleveland State University Press) and Isn’t She Ladylike, (Collinwood Media, distributed by Bottom Dog Press).  Her work has been included in many anthologies, including Slam and The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, and she appeared in the documentary SlamNation.

Her most recent publications are Outspoken! How to Improve Writing and Speaking Through Poetry Performance (Heinemann 2009), coauthored with Michael Salinger, and Practical Poetry, A Non-Standard Approach to Meeting Content Standards (Heinemann, 2005).

 Visit Sara's web site at

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