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Katie Kelly

Katie Kelly is an Associate Professor of Education and Coordinator of the Literacy Graduate Program at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina where she teaches literacy methods for elementary learners, literacy assessment and instruction, and practicum with an emphasis on literacy coaching. As a former elementary teacher and literacy coach, Katie’s teaching and research interests include teacher preparation and development in the area of engaging literacy instructional practices with emphasis on children’s literature, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. She examines ways to engage diverse learners through culturally relevant practices that value all individuals while fostering compassionate global citizens who advocate for social justice and equality. Additionally, Katie is interested in exploring ways to integrate technology to mediate literacy practices to prepare today’s global learners.

Katie consults with schools across the United States and is an active member of the National Council of Teachers of English. She serves as a coeditor for NCTE’s Early Childhood Education Assembly Journal Perspectives and Provocations. Katie is an active member of the International Literacy Association, contributes regularly to the ILA Literacy Daily Blog, and serves as a reviewer for a number of journals including English Journal (NCTE), Voices From the Middle (NCTE), Reading Horizons, Journal of Teacher Action Research, Georgia Journal of Reading, and Texas Journal of Literacy Education.

Katie is widely published in several peer-reviewed journals including The Reading Teacher, Voices from the Middle, Reading Horizons, Literacy Research and Instruction, and Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. She coauthored two books: Smuggling Writing: Strategies that Get Students to Write Every Day, in Every Content Area (3–12) (Corwin) and From Pencils to Podcasts: Digital Tools to Transform K–12 Literacy Practices (Solution Tree).

Katie currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina with her dog, Harriet. You can connect with her on Twitter at @ktkelly14.

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