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The Complete Young Mathematicians at Work Series

By Catherine Twomey Fosnot, Maarten Dolk, William Jacob

The Young Mathematicians at Work series is a foundational resource for student teachers, classroom teachers, math supervisors, and administrators alike. These four volumes provide practical, child-centered methods to support educators in helping children think deeply about mathematics.


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Full Description

In their Young Mathematicians at Work series, Catherine Twomey Fosnot, Maarten Dolk, and Bill Jacob describe an innovative approach to mathematics instruction where teachers help young children construct a deep understanding of numeracy and operations in a math workshop environment that supports the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice.

The hallmarks of their approach include:

  • Supporting children as they construct mathematical strategies and big ideas
  • Creating realistic contexts and mathematical models that develop children’s capacity to mathematize their world
  • Building a collaborative community of mathematical thinkers engaged in inquiry.

The Young Mathematicians at Work series is a foundational resource for student teachers, classroom teachers, math supervisors, and administrators alike. These four volumes provide practical, child-centered methods to support educators in helping children think deeply about mathematics.

The Young Mathematicians at Work series comprises:

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